Have You Seen Her?

Back when we started researching our family, the US Census was not online and it was not easy to find people. Everything was on microfilm and most records were not indexed. To find someone you had to know where they lived. Using the address you could look up the district where they lived and find the film. We became address collectors back then. We asked relatives where they lived during different Census years. We searched City Directories, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Licenses and Naturalization Records for years around the Census to find addresses. We made up lists of people's addresses through time and organized them by Census year. As each Census becomes available this preparation and organization still comes in handy. It helps us find relatives before the Census is indexed and find people who are missing in the index.

Jacobson and Jacobson Genealogy Researchers  http://www.bocafengshui.com/genealogy.html
helping you grow your family tree.


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